In Morón de la Frontera and nearby villages such as Pruna, Montellano, algámitas, El saucejo and Coripe what they are waiting for is the arrival of the august fair and with it the Gazpacho de Morón, one of the most extravagant flamenco festivals of all Andalusia. Morón is worthy of a stop for more than the festival, though. It has a wealth of monuments, as is to be expected of a city with a very well preserved historical and cultural heritage.
You should also take great delight sampling the stews of Paco Cala, friend of the kettles and master of the skillet. Salpicón de cardillos spinach with chickpeas and a sauce of ride bread, garlic, powdered red pepper and a pair of cloves are used to prepare a sublime dish. Tagaminas esparragás. Or eat, with due precaution for cholesterol, the famous migas of Morón . If you have time and like to hunt. Morón is your destination.