Alameda Park has always been pride and joy of Marbella. This green area, forming the lungs of the city, dates back to the 18th century and in its day spread over an extension of 20.000 m2. To the North, it extended up to the streets Fortaleza and Alameda (of the same name as the park since it ran parallel to its border), to the East till the Puerta del Mar Avenue and the tunnel exit. Its original design consisted of one main central walk and two lateral ones, six squares with stone benches and a fountain which still exists today. It has undergone many a change over the year until it took on its present aspect. Some of the things which have disappeared were the niche which harboured the Christ of the Alameda. The Cross of the Mentidero and a pond have also vanished from the park. The works consisted of the levelling of its surface and the subsequent building of a retaining wall on it’s South side towards the end of the 19th century and also of the landscaping of the main wall. Then in early 1939’s the asphalting of the lateral walks. At the same time , a building would later be the Casino, was constructed on the East side.
A variety of rubber plants can be seen in the park gardens of which a magnificent specimen, the Ficus Pandurata, really stands out. There are also some species of pine trees such the Pinus Pinae not to mention a large variety of other valuable botanical species.