From Malaga to Antequera

Total length of the trip: 120km when returning by the main road. 96km when returning via Almogia.

Malaga is left by the so-called acceso nuevo (new access), ie the CN-321, which later forks towards Granada, Cordoba and Seville.

Casabermeja (32km) appears on the left with the picturesque cemetery in the foreground. Despite its recent enlargement the village preserves the original layout and a number of examples of popular Malaga architecture. The parish church dates from the 16C and 18C.

A the mountain pass of Las Pedrizas the traveller should follow the CN331 towards the left.

Antequera (46km from Malaga) is an important town as regards sights. It preserves very interesting buildings for lovers of the Renaissance and the baroque in Andalusia. The Collegiate Church of Santa Maria la Mayor, used as a concert hall today, stands near the Arab Alcazaba (fortress) at the highest part of the town, from where there is a magnificent view. Carmen Square is another exceptional observation platform. It lies in front of a church of the same name, which has one of the most impressive interiors: the Baroque main recredos and the coffered ceiling are very outstanding.

The main street of Antequera is called Estepa and it begins at San Sebastian Square: the Baroque brick tower next to the church of the same name is one of the most characteristic landmarks in the silhouette of Antequera. Following the avenue, the traveller should visit – on the right and left – San Agustin Church, La Casa de los Pardo (a 17C palace occupied by the branch of a bank) and Los Remedios Church. The latter is another key building of Andalusian Baroque: the interior, designed by following stage criteria, probably belongs to the most interesting of its kind in Malaga. The Municipal Museum in an 18C palace preserves some very valuable remains of the Roman period. The Convents of Santa Catalina (facing the museum), of San Agustin, La Victoria, Las Recoletas and others, the same as the town palaces, which the traveller comes across on his walk, turn Antequera into a must for lovers of art and architecture, especially in spring and autumn. The Church of La Madre de Dios is a building which cannot be left out by anyone interested in the Baroque style: the interior has a set of very peculiar, but very interesting vaults.

By taking the same road which brought him to the town, the traveller soon reaches the signposts showing the way to the Caves of Menga, to Viera and El Romeral, three megalithic burial places dating from between 2,500 and 2,000 BC.

After 10km in the direction of Almogia in the South of Antequera, there is a turn-off for El Torcal on the right.

El Torcal de Antequera is a disturbing area consisting of large rocky blocks, which have often been compared with cyclopean ruins. A visit should be accompanied by a guide or else the traveller should follow the signposts indicating which direction he should take. Torcal is recommended, especially for those who love unusual scenery.