A good way to get known Cazorla, Segura y Las Villas Nature Park is by contacting local guides who will take care of everything for you enjoy nature.
Because of its urban centre, which has been designated a joint artistic and historical complex, the village of Cazorla is well worthy of a stop before entering the Nature Park. It has a medieval and Moorish aspect, with numerous fountains steep streets and stone houses with flower-decorated balconies.
Is is half Moorish and half medieval and has two castles, La Yedra and Las Cinco Esquinas, one Arab and the other Christian. In May the locals bring down the image of San Isicio at night through the white streets lighted by lamps mounted in seashells that from geometric designs of uncommon beauty. You can make another stop in September to take part in the Cristo del Consuelo fiesta.
The sierras of the province of Jaén are the perfect stage to observe the behaviour of its animal inhabitants. During September and October the rutting season occurs, whose bellowing sounds are the hoarse call of the males in heat that are the prelude to a noisy fight with their powerful antlers to win the greatest number of females.