Situated on the spanish side of the Guadiana River estuary, until very recently the only way to travel to Portugal was a small ferryboat which linked Ayamonte with the Portuguese town of Vila Real de Santo Antonio on a romantic journey lasting 15 minutes.
Now the two countries are joined by an avant-garde suspension bridge, which has led to an increase in the flow of traffic between them.
The castle foundations show its Roman origins, and an Arab minaret has been discovered beneath the Baroque revetment of one of the two towers. Among the most important monuments it is worth noting the Iglesia del Salvador (16th century) and the convents of San Francisco and Santa Clara.
Popular architecture is typical of the area, with one – and two – storey white-washed houses standing out against an intense blue sky. Extensive marvellous beaches of fine golden sand can be found close by this cheerful fishing village, such as those of Isla Canela and Punta del Moral.